Acknowledge Education will develop and implement strategic plans to assure quality in the achievement of institutional and academic goals. Acknowledge Education will use data from student and stakeholder feedback to evaluate the quality of its courses, benchmarking against data from other providers and published data.
Courses and programs will undergo formal annual review and will be updated for improvements and to maintain currency.
Systematic internal audits will be conducted of all areas of operation and improvement plans will be developed to address any areas for improvement.
All data collected will be analysed and improvement strategies will be developed. All data will be recorded and the effectiveness of all implemented improvement strategies will be assessed.
Education Governance Summary
Acknowledge Education is committed to governance practices that allow the company to effectively and efficiently meet its objectives and goals, to remain a challenging, relevant and creative leader in the education sector and to continue to meet its regulatory and financial obligations and responsibilities.
Acknowledge Education’s governance framework is defined by the core roles and responsibilities of the three principal bodies for institutional governance:
Board of Directors is the corporate governing body which sets overall strategic directions and the policies and processes necessary to achieve institutional objectives and performance targets and to sustain the quality of higher education that is offered. It is ultimately responsible to shareholders and stakeholders for both corporate and academic outcomes. The Board of Directors assures itself that the organisation is financially viable and has the capacity to continue to apply sufficient financial and other resources to maintain viability of the entity and its business model, to meet and continue to meet all applicable regulatory standards and frameworks.
It is accountable for all of the operations in or from Australia, including accountability for the award of higher education qualifications and the accuracy and integrity of its representation directly or through agents and other parties.
Academic Board is the academic governing body which sets and oversees the policies and processes necessary to achieve intended academic outcomes consistent with Acknowledge Education’s overall strategic directions. The Academic Board is constituted with independent members who provide independent academic advice for informed and competent decision making and direction setting. Academic Board sets academic standards and monitors academic outcomes. It is delegated responsibility by the Board of Directors and is accountable to the Board of Directors for academic outcomes. The meetings of the Academic Board are attended by elected student representative(s) to ensure that the student body has a voice and participates in the deliberative and decision-making process of the organisation.
Executive Management includes the Chief Executive Officer and other senior executives and managers, and the Dean. The Executive Management is responsible for implementing policies, programs and processes, including the making of decisions about staffing, budgets, infrastructure, etc. It is delegated responsibility by the Board of Directors and is accountable to the Board of Directors for effective implementation of both corporate and academic objectives. The Chief Executive Officer is ultimately responsible for the staffing in the organisation and may delegate decision making on staffing and budgeting to other members of the Executive Management.
Members of the Board of Directors