Acknowledge Education has zero tolerance for sexual assault and harassment and believe it is the right of every student and staff member to feel safe and respected at all times. Acknowledge Education is committed to supporting students and staff affected by sexual assault or harassment wherever it has taken place.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Acknowledge Education uses the definition of Sexual harassment, as provided by the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Sex Discrimination Act (1984).

Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated, where a reasonable person would anticipate that reaction in the circumstances.

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) defines the nature and circumstances in which sexual harassment is unlawful. It is also unlawful for a person to be victimised for making, or proposing to make, a complaint of sexual harassment to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

Examples of sexually harassing behaviour include:

  • unwelcome touching;

  • staring or leering;

  • suggestive comments or jokes;

  • sexually explicit pictures or posters;

  • unwanted invitations to go out on dates;

  • requests for sex;

  • intrusive questions about a person’s private life or body;

  • unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against a person;

  • insults or taunts based on sex;

  • sexually explicit physical contact; and

  • sexually explicit emails or SMS text messages.

What to do if you experience Sexual Assault or Harassment?

Immediate Assistance

If you or someone you know is hurt or in immediate danger, call for help:

Emergency services on 000

Acknowledge Education emergency number on 0458 080 605 (Head of Operations).

You may be asked to undergo a forensic medical examination following an incident of sexual assault. It is your choice whether to proceed, however it’s important to consider that evidence will be lost over time if you delay the examination.

It is always recommended that survivors of sexual assault seek medical attention to screen for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and, if female, for pregnancy.

Report the Incident

You can report an incident to the Police or to Acknowledge Education Student Services team at any time. You don’t have to make a formal report if you don’t want to. When reporting an incident, you will receive confidential advice on next steps to take and be referred on to relevant support services.


Melbourne -Sexual Offence and Child Abuse Investigation Teams (SOCIT)

Sydney – Contact your local police station or fill out this form

Perth – Sex Assault Squad (08) 9428 1600

Brisbane – Contact Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline 1800 010 120

It’s helpful to have a trusted friend or family member act as your support person when making contact with the police or Acknowledge Education about the incident.

When making a report to Acknowledge Education, you always have control over what actions are taken. We will respect your privacy and how you want to deal with the matter.

Seek Support

Incidents of sexual assault and harassment can be traumatic and leave you feeling uncomfortable. Your usual coping mechanisms may be affected by the trauma, so it’s good to seek support.

Consider telling a trusted friend or family member about the incident, who can then help you seek out support services.

Report the incident to Acknowledge Education e.g. teaching staff, course coordinators, student services, who can link you in with other support services.

Seek free and confidential support services both on campus and within the community.

Call 03 9663 3399, speak to campus reception to make an appointment with a counsellor.

Off Campus Support


  • Victorian Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292

  • National Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Service 1800 737 732


  • NSW Rape Crisis Helpline 1800 424 017

  • Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463

  • Bravehearts NSW (02) 9810 5898


  • Sexual Assault Resource Centre (08) 6458 1828

  • Crisis Care Helpline (08) 9223 1111


For further information see: